Blackjack Dealer Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Besides keeping an eye on what the dealer is doing in the blackjack game, there are some other things you can do to ensure that you are maximizing your chances of winning. Below are some of the most common mistakes that dealers make and how to avoid them.

Double down whenever dealer has an up card

Whether you are playing in a land-based casino or at an online casino, you can use the double down strategy to increase your winnings. But before you take the plunge, you should know what you are doing. Aside from knowing the rules, you must also understand the advantages and disadvantages of doubling down.

Doubling down is a good strategy to use if you have a hard total of ten or 11 (two cards totaling ten without an ace). You will have a much higher chance of winning if you do it against the dealer’s face-up card. You may also want to double down when you have two 5s in your hand. However, you should never double down against the dealer’s ace. It is a bad “bust card” that forces the dealer to hit.

Splitting 10s

Having a pair of 10s in blackjack is one of the best hands you can have. But it can also be a bad hand, especially if you’re playing against a dealer. You’ll need to decide whether to stand or split. You’ll need to double your original wager to split.

Splitting is a strategy that is used by some blackjack players and card counters. It’s not illegal, but casinos don’t like it. The idea is to make the best play. It is often a bad choice for players who don’t understand the game.

The only time it’s a good choice is if you know the dealer has a bad upcard. You’ll get a better chance of getting a stiff hand if the dealer stands with 2 through 7. But even that’s not a guarantee you’ll win.

Losing hands

Whether you are new to blackjack or a seasoned pro, there are some common blackjack dealer mistakes that you need to avoid. These mistakes can make the difference between a win and a loss. If you avoid them, you can improve your game and have fun playing blackjack.

One of the most common mistakes is to split a pair of tens. This is meant to get more money on the table, but it’s also a bad decision. It’s more expensive to split than it is to play the hand out. It’s also more likely to lose than win in the long run.

Another common blackjack dealer mistake is to surrender 8s. You should not surrender a hand of 8s against a dealer with a 10 or a soft 18. This is a losing spot.